

Billionaire companies remain open while small businesses are force to close.

We were told months ago that the economy would be reopening and we can start getting back to normal with no mandates and definently...

Fed’s refuse to answer questions about $120 million tax payer money loaned to billion-dollar developer firm.

When it comes to responsibility and accountability, the federal government seems that it doesn't have to answer to tax payers. As reported on July 26,...

B.C Government: Get vaccinated or else.

Health officials are pushing for new incentives to get people vaccinated. A fresh immunization campaign will be released to try to coax the unvaccinated to...

Trudeau says Canadiens’ selection of Logan Mailloux shows ‘lack of judgment’

On Tuesday Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he's not happy with the drafting selection for the Montreal Candiens. ``As a lifelong Habs fan, I have...

Coyote jumps on 2-year old girl in Stanley Park. Self entitled humans “kill the coyotes”

Monday night a young girl was taken to hospital after a cyote "attacked" her. As of recent there have been a few human run ins...

Man wanted on outstanding warrants kills police dog and stabs officer, family thinks guns should not have been drawn.

The family of a man tries to justify "no gun should have been used" when a man failed to stop for police and evaded...

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