On Tuesday Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he’s not happy with the drafting selection for the Montreal Candiens.
“As a lifelong Habs fan, I have to say I am deeply disappointed by the decision. I think it was a lack of judgment by the Canadiens organization,” Trudeau told reporters in Moncton N.B. “I think they have a lot of explaining to do, to Montrealers and to fans from right across the country.”
Logan Mailloux was in the first draft chosen by Montreal Candiens on July 23, 2021.
The 18-year-old defenseman was charged in the past for sending indecent photos to a woman without her consent. This is what Trudeau is calling “lacking judgment” one the Candiens part.
The draft of Mailloux and his career is now up in the air while we wait to hear about more on this subject.
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