Canadian Anti-hate Network admits it is a bias organization.
Evan Balgord, Executive director of Canadian Anti-hate Network testified they are proudly focused on so called far right hate.
Evan Balgord admitted the Canadian Anti-hate Network biases during a Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (SECU) on April 26, 2022, “We wear our biases on our sleeves” when asked if their organization is objective.
Conservative MP Dane Llyod wanted to get a sense of what kind of “hate” the Canadian Anti-hate Network was involved in investigating and reporting.
“Mr. Balgord, would you say that your organization is an objective organization?” Asked Dane Lloyd.
There was no holding back when Evan Balgord confirmed Canadian Anti-hate Network turns a blind eye to any hate they don’t believe to be hate from the “far right”.
Evan Balgord responded “We wear our biases on our sleeves. We are very proudly anti-fascist, and we focus on the far right.”
Evan Balgord continued by claiming violent extremism is primarily from the right wing and investigating left wing hate is not needed.
“We focus on the far right because, if you speak with anybody who is a researcher of this or an expert in national security threats, they will agree that ideologically motivated violent extremists and threats today are primarily coming out of far-right organizing.”
Hate towards Christians heated up in the summer of 2021 after the discovery of unconfirmed “mass graves” from Indian Residential Schools and 68 churches were intentionally set on fire. A one hundred year old church in Conservative MP Dane Llyod’s home town was destroyed in one of the church arson attacks.
“I appreciate the honesty, Mr. Balgord. It’s important. I’m not diminishing some of the work that you do.” said Dane Lloyd.
“I come from an area where last summer we had a hundred-year-old church burn to the ground, and dozens of people had to be evacuated from an apartment building close by, which nearly went up in flames and killed dozens of people, but you just don’t hear it talked about in this country. I understand that it’s not your organization’s mandate to talk about these things. As you’ve said, you’re clearly focused on the far right.”
Bernie Farber is the chair of Canadian Anti-hate Network. During the Freedom Convoy in February, BC Rise reported, Bernie Farber posted a picture of an antisemitic flyer online claiming it came from the Freedom Convoy.
In fact later we it was reveled yo be a hoax in an attempt to smear the Freedom Convoy as violent extremists and discredit the movement.
Also in February 2022, on the west side of Canada in BC, BC Rise reported a Costal Gaslink pipeline site was terrorized in a violent attack with axes, flare guns and booby traps while a Montreal based far left-wing ANTIFA affiliated group praised the attack and called for more violence. According to police as of May, no arrests have been made, the RCMP is still investigating.
In May 2022, several RBC CEO’s vehicles were targets of arson attacks from anti-pipeline activists and their violent arson attack was also praise on the same left-wing website as the Coastal Gaslink attack.