An Antifa-affiliated website praised a recent domestic terrorist attack on a Coastal GasLink drill site in northern British Columbia, in which 20 people shooting flare guns and wielding axes attacked workers, destroyed equipment, and injured an RCMP officer.
On February 17, a gang of criminals descended on the worker camp near Houston, British Columbia, armed with weapons and flares. Chief Superintendent of the RCMP Warren Brown described the incident as a “calculated and organized violent attack that left its victims shaken and a multimillion-dollar path of destruction.”
With no arrests made during or since the incident, the RCMP released a series of videos on Feb. 22 asking for the public’s assistance in identifying the perpetrators.

On far-left extremist website Montreal Counter-Information post by anonymous submission called for others to launch similar assaults against the pipeline and its workers. signed off as a “group of comrades”
“As anarchist individuals living in the North who are supportive of struggles in defence of the land and against ongoing colonization by Canada and its corporate interests we declare our support for this action and encourage others to do so,” the post read.
“May others continue this fight, take action against (Coastal GasLink), Canada and on-going colonization where they stand and draw inspiration and courage from this action as we do.”
Montreal Counter-Information is an extremist website that provides reports on criminal activities on a regular basis and even teaches anarchists how to make incendiary devices like molotov cocktails.
The Coastal Gaslink in B.C. isn’t the only piece of Canadian infrastructure that was attacked, many pipelines and railways have suffered sabotage, vandalism and blockades.
This domestic terrorist attack on Canadas infrastructure happen while the Emergencies Act was invoked, Trudeau and his government have not said anything about tracking down the suspects and freezing their bank accounts like they did to peaceful protesters at the Truckers for Freedom protest.
True North exclusively reported on CBC hiring radical anarchist activist filmmaker Franklin Lopez to produce a documentary on the protests targeting Coastal GasLink. His work is generally circulated around using far-left extremist website Montreal Counter-Information.
Recently Alberta has launched a complaint against CBC the over anarchist producer.