While other jurisdictions across Canada ended their Covid-19 vaccine mandates over a year ago as well as other western nations across the world, B.C. has been lagging far behind.
On Friday the province quietly posted a notice that it will be ending the public health order that required healthcare professionals to report their Covid-19 vaccination status to the colleges.
The notice released said the order was terminated immediately on July 14, 2023, at 11:59 pm. The notice repealing the healthcare worker Covid-19 vaccine mandate is very short with just a few sentences
While it outlines which colleges these changes will effect it doesn’t say if the Covid-19 “primary series” mandate will remain for work settings like hospitals and long term care.
Despite the order being repealed it doesn’t say if healthcare workers effected by the order causing them to be fired, retire early or sit on the sidelines on unpaid leave will be welcomed back to work.
BC Rise reached out to Dr. Bonnie Henry for comment and was advised by the Health Communications Office they will provide BC Rise with a repose later in the after-noon today in regards to a question of welcoming back “unvaccinated” healthcare professionals.
In the fall of 2021 Dr. Bonnie Henry first introduced he plan to require all healthcare workers to provide proof of vaccination against covid-19 in order to keep their jobs. Henry ran into push back from the colleges and put the full implementation of the order on hold for a few months.
On June 10, 2022 British Columbia’s Public Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry’s created an order entitled the Health Professionals COVID-19 Vaccination Status Information order which ordered all health professional regulatory colleges to collect its member private medical information.
Minister of Health Adrian Dix and Public health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry claimed since the roll out of the healthcare worker Covid-19 vaccine mandates the purpose is to “protect” vulnerable patients and prevent the spread of Covid-19 from “unvaccinated” healthcare workers.
The claims Dix made ran contrary to what he said in March of 2022 when he admitted that it’s “fully vaccinated” healthcare workers that are getting sick and transmitting the disease in healthcare settings because only “fully vaccinated” healthcare workers were allowed to work in hospitals and other healthcare settings.
In October of 2021, Vancouver Sun reported Dr. Bonnie Henry predicted the healthcare industry would see around 4,000 healthcare works be terminated if they didn’t release their private medical data to Dr. Bonnie Henry.
The already failing healthcare system in British Columbia became exasperated in 2022 after the purge of “unvaccinated” healthcare workers. Emergency rooms across the province have been experiencing closures of up to 25% of the time they’re supposed to be open and operating.
Many British Columbians have been subjected to long travel times to the nearest open ER which could be one or more hours drive away. Patients dying in waiting rooms and hallways while they waited for hallway medicine.
A coalition of mayors in British Columbia demanded the province drop its illogical Covid-19 vaccine mandates because the mandates were doing more harm than good while patients waited for care in the hospitals. Adrian Dix refused to hire back healthcare workers that was unvaccinated against Covid-19 or presumed to be unvaccinated against Covid-19.
About 2,500 healthcare workers were sacked according to the Ministry of Health in January 2023, however this doesn’t account for the people who voluntarily left without exposing their private health data to their employer. Nearly half of the workers were from Interior health, one of the health authorities facing major staffing shortages after Dr. Bonnie Henry used a public health order to mandate Covid-19 shots for healthcare workers.
The BC Conservatives leader and sitting MLA John Rustad for Nichako-lakes region has been a loud vocal opponent of the Covid-19 vaccine mandates. Two months ago John Rustad hand delivered a petition to the BC Legislature to repeal Bill 36 which was signed by tens of thousands of BC residents and healthcare workers.
Bill 36 in the new Provincial healthcare law the BC NDP rammed through with no debates which will terminate the elected healthcare board and install a government appointed government bureaucrats to create bylaws to impose on the healthcare system including creating arbitrary vaccine mandates for health care workers.
Dr. Bonnie Henry is also facing multiple lawsuits resulting from her Covid-19 vaccine mandate orders. A group of healthcare workers effected by the Public health order filed a lawsuit to challenge the Covid-19 orders.
Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy (CSASPP) also filed a lawsuit against Bonnie Henry and her declaration of emergency. The decision to certify the lawsuit as a class action lawsuit is currently pending.
[UPDATE] Headline was modified to more accurately describe the article
I can guarantee nurses are NOT back to work and those who are returning from Mat leave or any other type of leave will be fired when they return. Jordan, please ammend your title so as not to confuse the public any more than they already are. This is what Bonnie Henry is hoping for.
Yes, I agree Mel. I was so cautiously happy seeing that headline. Read every word to confirm that the insanity was ending. That all those people who had been wrongfully fired, denied UI etc, had been called back, and were given compensation. But no, it appears nothing has changed. The province will bring in out of country people rather than employ our own already qualified and experienced healthcare workers. We know that the jab does NOT prevent transmission of the illness, nor does it protect one from getting it. CRIMINAL AND EVIL!!!