Late last week on Friday Dr. Bonnie Henry released a noticed ending one of the many public health orders she created. Many BC residents were quick to applaud the move in the hopes of it meaning our presumed “unvaccinated” nurses and doctors will heading back to work to address staffing shortages.
The notice posted on July 14, 2023 was in regards to the “Health Professionals Covid-19 Vaccination Status Information” order which previously required health professional regulatory colleges to collect the vaccination status of registrants.
The order previously enabled vaccine status data sharing between regulatory bodies and post-secondary institutions. A communications spokes person for Dr. Bonnie Henry’s office said post-secondary institutions can decide if they want to remove their Covid-19 vaccine mandates while noting “continuation of those provisions unnecessary.”
“The rationale behind this decision is based on the prior request made to the health professional regulatory colleges. They were asked to submit a third snapshot of vaccination status no later than July 14, with the data to be provided by mid-August. By obtaining this information, a comprehensive understanding of the vaccination status and its trends will be gained, making the current order unnecessary as the province moves forward with policy work to establish a replacement system.” Calvin Cen, Vancouver Covid19 Public Affairs Officer wrote in an email to BC Rise.
According to Vancouver Covid19 Public Affairs Officer its now up to colleges to remove their own vaccine mandates imposed by the PHO order.
“The repealed order also includes a section indicating that the collection and disclosure by the regulatory colleges of vaccination status information of registrants, is no longer needed to support the pandemic response. The regulatory colleges will determine how they handle the collected vaccination status information through their own processes.”
Despite the order demanding colleges to collect and share Covid-19 vaccine status of registrants it’s not a complete end to the vaccine mandates in the healthcare system. According to Cen there’s still two other active orders that effect staff in hospitals and long term care centres.
Both of these orders require employers to collect and share vaccine status of workers in order to be permitted to work inside a hospital, residential care and long term care centres.
“A staff member must provide their employer with proof of vaccination, or proof of an exemption, on request from their employer.”
The still active orders are based on the myth that the Covid-19 “vaccine” stops transmission and infection, “protecting” vulnerable patients from being infected with Covid-19 by “unvaccinated” healthcare workers, despite all the studies and science proving the shots don’t stop the spread like it was advertised to begin with.
Mayors across the province continue pleading for the BC NDP government to hire back the unvaccinated healthcare workers because the worker shortages are causing a bigger risk to the community than a presumed “unvaccinated” worker in the hospital does.
Recently an elderly man was found on the ground in front of the Merritt hospital front doors, local firefighters were first on scene and said the man was having problems breathing and communicating with them. He was then transported to Royal Inland Hospital the next nearest hospital nearly 85km’s away in Kamloops.
“We are teetering on the edge of a razor,” the mayor of Merritt Goetz said. “There is absolutely no plan other than crossing your fingers and hoping nobody gets sick on that day, or a nurse doesn’t get sick, a doctor doesn’t get sick.” reported Vancouver Sun.
““Every day you wake up, it’s fingers crossed hoping you have a hospital that day, that’s where we’re at.”
“I mean, what more do you need to have happen? Somebody is going to pass away at the foot of our hospital doors.”
Goetz also said he worries about when paramedics in his city being remove from frontline operations for extended periods of time that could put other people in the community at risk with less paramedics available.
“They can’t just drop them off,” the mayor said. “If they have to sit in the emergency room for eight hours waiting, we lose an ambulance in our town for eight hours.”