

“pro-freedom” BC MLA Rustad running for BC Conservative leadership

It's now official, Nechako Lakes MLA John Rustad MLA has entered his name into the BC Conservative leadership race. Earlier this month Trevor Bolin announced...

Liberals reject C-11 amendments adding user generated content protections

The Liberal government has rejected amendments to Bill C-11 "Online Streaming Act" also commonly know as the Trudeau government's censorship law. Amendments made by...

BC MLA John Rustad “giving serious consideration” running as BC Conservative leader. What’s the party edge for growth?

"We are going to be focused on doing what’s right to improve the quality of life for all British Columbians. Its not about the...

Freedom Convoy “actually setting fires in people’s hotel rooms”, BC NDP spreads misinformation and plays divisive politics

Another episode of incompetence and time mismanagement at the expense of taxpayers. Parties debated a motion to "denounce" the freedom convoy and anyone that challenges...

BC MLA John Rustad moves a motion to end subsidies for ‘blood batteries’

"Blood batteries are not the answer to our climate issues." BC Liberals blocked a motion for debate in regards to a electric vehicles and electric...

BC MLA Rustad explores an idea of a “direct democracy” tool and a new tax referendum process

Critics have become more vocal against big government tax and spend strategies as record high inflation is crushing families. BC MLA John Rustad is...

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