

COP26 Climate Change Summit: Trudeau announces new ambitious fart tax, carbon tax increase too

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau claimed Canada wanted a more strong and ambitious plan to be set at the COP26 summit. COP26 climate change 2015 canada...

Ontario will not impose illegal vaccination mandates on healthcare workers – for now

Earlier today, Wednesday Novermber 3, 2021 news broke that the Ontario government will not be requiring healthcare workers to be vaccinated. Ontario Premier...

PM Trudeau at G20 summit (Photo). COVID mandates only for plebs.

So you're stuck at home locked down by mandates. Your rights are being taken away slowly in the hopes you don't notice. These covid-19...

PPC and climate change: Invest in adaptation strategies.

Climate change has become a hot topic for this election. Climate change is real and whomever tells you otherwise is uneducated because natural climate...

Calgary: Trudeau with a speech to ban pro privacy citizens from public spaces. “Your papers please”.

On August 19, 2021, Justin Trudeau was in Calgary to speak at a crowd about what he promises if re-elected. he starts off the speech...

PRESS RELEASE Maxime Bernier vows to protect Canadians’ free speech online

Collingwood, ONTARIO, August 18, 2021 – At a campaign event in Collingwood, the Leader of the People’s Party of Canada, Maxime Bernier leader has...

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