

Ottawa Police consider police state authoritarian military action to declare war on the citizens

The honking may be loud and noisy and has gotten the attention of authoritarian Government in Ottawa. Ottawa has grown even more desperate to...

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney spreads misinformation at press release

Yesterday in a live on tv press release Alberta Premier Jason Kenney spread misinformation of RCMP being assaulted by protesters at the Coutts...

Coutts border blockade day 5. One lane is open while protesters wait for negotiations

It is now day 5 of the blockade at Coutts border crossing for Alberta and the U.S. Hundreds of truckers are blocking the border in...

Towing companies refuse to tow Truckers for Freedom at Alberta-U.S. border

The police rolled up to the border in a large show of force to scare the Truckers for Freedom protesters away from the area. Some...

Elon Musk mocks Trudeau again during Truckers for Freedom Rally: “fringe minority”, “is actually The Government”

As trucks rolled in to Ottawa on Jan 29, 2022 the Truckers For Freedom rally started. Demonstrators were calling for Trudeau to step down...

Mainstream media desperately tries to spin far-right narrative

In this articles we are going to show you some of the headlines media outlets are pushing out about the freedom convoy. At the...

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