NDP leader Jagmeet Singh claimed in an interview on Monday that he and the NDP could possibly unseat Trudeau and the Liberals but sending Canada in to early election was “not an option” he’s considering
Singh told Saltwire’s Thinking Out Loud with Sheldon MacLeod his party will continue with their coalition to prop up the failing Liberal government.
“We know that people need help right now so we’re going to spend the summer trying to get more help to people to deal with the inflation and we’re going to use our power to hold the government to account,” said Singh.
“We can do all this important work more effectively right now rather than plunging the country in a month or two month long election while people suffer and don’t get any help. That’s not an option for me.”
In exchange for NDP policy commitments, Trudeau and Singh struck a supply and confidence agreement in March, allowing the minority Liberals to hold onto power for the ensuing three years. The Trudeau government promised Singh in return of support a national dental program for Canadians, which is set to take effect this year.
Singh claimed that in the event of an election now, the NDP could gain seats due to the dwindling support for the Trudeau government.
“The knee jerk reaction and maybe the self serving political opportunity that people would see here is call an election and we would win more seats. We probably would win more seats if we called an election right now at this point in time when people are losing trust in the Liberal government,” said Singh.
“(But) I feel its my job to use the power I have responsibly to benefit people and we can do that by using the existing tools that we have.”
While Jagmeet Singh didn’t have any studies or polls to back up his suggested claims. However in a recent poll Conservatives are coming out ahead with voting intentions
If an election were to be held tomorrow, 34% of Canadians said they would vote a Conservative candidate, compared to 30% for the Liberals.
The NDP isn’t just lagging behind at 18% but has fallen further behind from 21% earlier this month.
We witnessed some of Jagmeet Singh’s popularity in Brampton during the Ontario elections meet and greet event. Jagmeet Singh ran away from a group from the local Sikh community wanting to question him about his support for the Liberals.
Video posted online shows Jagmeet Singh refusing to meet and hear the concerns of people he doesn’t agree with. He is seen jumping in to a waiting black SUV while demonstrators shout “Sellout Singh”, “don’t sell out” and the SUV takes off.