After a long vacation and MP holiday, parliament is finally set to go back in session but not for all MP’s. They must be “fully vaccinated” to enter parliament.
Yesterday Quebec MP Richard Lehoux’s was diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test as reported by CTV. The vaccine supremacists have gone crazy saying this proves that everyone should be vaccinated to go in to parliament and nation wide. All the unvaccinated Conservative MP’s are beimg forced to self isolate because 1 “fully vaccinated” MP in the caucus tested positive for covid-19 and they tested negative while while all the “fully vaccinated” MP’s get to carry on like normal.
We know that science and facts show us that “fully vaccinated” people can also get infected and spread covid as reported by Bloomberg.
on sunday government House leader Mark Holland expressed his feelings to know the vaccination status and exemptions from all MP’s even thiugh “fully vaccinated” have proven to get infected and spread covid-19.
Conservative spokeswoman Josie Sabatino confirmed that Lehoux’s diagnosis came two days after he’d attended an in-person caucus retreat on Wednesday and Thursday.
She would say only that “all MPs will abide by all public health guidelines.”
She provided a link to Ottawa public health rules, which specify that anyone who is not fully vaccinated and who is exposed to someone who tests positive “MUST self-isolate.”
O’Toole has said his party intends to challenge a rule imposed by the board of internal economy, the all-party governing body of the House of Commons, requiring anyone entering the Commons precinct to be fully vaccinated.
Holland says he wants the House to “create a system where those (exemptions) are challenged and verified, for the safety of everybody involved.”
Hollands concern about vaccine status is superficial because like we already covered “fully vaccinated” people can also get infected with covid-19 and spread it. Creating this “fully vaccinated” vs “unvaccinated” atmosphere is toxic to Canadian society and the goernment needs to set an example that the intolerance will not be accepted.
Other vaccine supremacist NDP membee Peter Julian said in a interview, Lehoux’s diagnosis “makes it even more essential to use hybrid tools to protect employees and the public,”.
From what everyone can see happening in the world common sense tells us hybrid tools such as covid testing is all we need because “fully vaccinated” can still get covid and spread it.
So what we learned in this situation is the healthy covid-19 negative unvaccinated MP’s are being punished because the vaccine didn’t work to stop a “fully vaccinated” MP from getting covid-19 and now the unvaccinated have become the scapegoats.
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