Thousands of pro freedom protesters shutdown the Canada-U.S. border in Surrey, B.C. for a peaceful pro freedom protest on February 12, 2022.
The Surrey Freedom Protest at the Pacific border crossing starter last week with a group of about 100 people on the side of the road lining the sidewalk has boomed in to a massive Freedom Convoy support protest. There have been reports floating around of estimates between 5000 to 50,000 people attending this freedom protest.
The peaceful protest at the border in Surrey has grown to thousands of people and as thousands of vehicles roll in. This group of peaceful protesters is inclusive with people from all walks of life with a common love for freedom. It’s a another peaceful protest with Canadians flying the Canada flag with pride smiling and chanting freedom and singing Oh Canada. There was even gazebos set up cooking up food for everyone.
The Surrey RCMP have blocked the intersection at Pacific Highway and 8th Ave to stop more freedom convoy vehicles from getting to the border. The police did an amazing job to create a internal border perimeter to stop traffic from coming in and out of the border from about 8 blocks away on 176 street. The police had a goal and that was to make sure the freedom protesters do not bock the border. The Surrey RCMP did the smartest thing. They set up their own border block before the protesters showed up.
So instead of protesters only blocking the border entry point to only disrupt border traffic. The Surrey RCMP managed to use about 5 Police vehicles to block a major intersection and multiple streets that ended up disrupting more then just border traffic. Keep in mind there’s multiple lanes for traffic in all 4 directions. The Surrey RCMP managed to also purposely disrupted local traffic manufacturing more issues. Because of the police actions this will cause some locals to project hate towards the freedom protesters because they ended up in a traffic jam.
This is a picture of the spot where mainstream media claim “THEY BROKE THROUGH THE POLICE BARRICADE” reported by TheStar, Global News, CTV . How do we not know the protesters drove around the barricade and slowly drove over the meridian back in to the correct lane? From what we can see there is absolutely no police barricade in sight. We added red circles to highlight where the vehicles could have entered. The parking lot was clearly open for business and for anyone to drive in and exit on the other side. The turning lane was also open with protesters lining the sides. Currently there is no footage or images of the trucks allegedly breaking through barricades.

Here is the so called smashing through the police barricade as reported by mainstream media actually looked like. A few trucks slowly driving through an open area. The legacy media is sensationalizing an imaginary extremists situation like they always do. There is no proof in this video of breaking through the police barricades.

After protesters started to make their way down to the border more police swooped in and blocked more of the intersection seen in the below image.

The police blockade did not stop these freedom fighters as they go park their vehicles. The police made sure to create the block in such a way everyone was forced to park their vehicles because the police created a traffic jam on purpose at a major intersection.
TH Surrey RCMP put out a press release making a peaceful protest sound like it was chaose and using fear porn “this had the potential for harm to pedestrians and first responders.” the press release noted while contradicting itself when first mentioning “While no injuries were reported” and no arrests were made because it was a peaceful protest.
The Authoritarian Surrey RCMP then noted with an intimidating statement they feel no one should have a right to protest and they are treating the peaceful protest as a criminal investigation “This kind of behavior will not be tolerated and is being investigated.” meanwhile there is real crimes going on in the Surrey community such as gang and drug crimes and a Lower Mainland gang war shootings.
In videos below posted by some Twitter users we can get a look from the inside of the protest. All we saw was love and smiles all around. People were connecting and having fun by the looks of the videos on social media. In this video posted by Twitter user @realtruthreport we can see how diverse the gathering is and food was getting cooked up for everyone to enjoy. The video is quiet long but it is raw footage. Not chopped up and edited, this gives you a better idea of the atmosphere.
Protester were also carrying signs with all sorts of different messaging from mandate freedom to get rid of Bonnie Henry “Garage Sale. Bonnie Henry” displayed on one sign.

Early yesterday morning a Freedom Convoy left Chilliwack B.C. and met with more supports on their way down the highway where more supporters joining them with the drive to the border.
What Trudeau and mainstream media falsely claimed as a small “fringe minority”, “racist”, “misogynist” group has proven to just be a smear campaign to discredit the protesters
The freedom protest is calling for a end to all the unscientific and unlawful COVID mandates and vaccine passports ID systems at the federal and provincial level that have locked down the country for 2 years. These COVID restrictions have destroyed millions of lives driving people in to poverty and unemployment while forcing tens of thousands of small businesses across the country to shut down denying millions of Canadians a right to work and prosperity.
At the Pacific Border Protest the love is in the air and they are all wanting the same thing. They want their lives back and they want to get back to work. It’s common sense the unscientific mandates and vaccine passport have are now only designed to segregate society and caused wedge issues and the people have said enough is enough. The people have come together and united to fight for a good cause, that is freedom.
Trudeau and the mainstream media don’t like they are not getting their valance story so they pump out inflammatory lies and propaganda to incite hate and rage. Did you know if violence breaks out Trudeau can use the Emergencies Act to lock down the whole country and give himself God like powers over the people?
The truckers for freedom convoy is the most inclusive and one of the biggest protests seen in Canada. It has been having such great success they are an inspiration to freedom lovers all over the world that have also joined in freedom protests.
Although these border shut downs are causing damage to our economy we have to remember the government has locked down the people and economy for 2 years causing the most damage. The government never once worried about how they made the economy nose dive during the pandemic. We have been experiencing government policy failures one after another with their pandemic response. Some jobs have been “created” but they are not actually new jobs, just some people getting back to work are restrictions get lifted and then put back in to place.