A majority of Canadians believes the COVID-19 pandemic is behind us and satisfaction if generally level across the provinces suggests a new poll.
Residents of Alberta and Ontario (80%) are the most optimistic the pandemic won’t get any worse along with a majority of British Columbia (71%) believing the pandemic is unlikely to worsen, according to a Research Co. report.
With the threat of COVID-19 cooling off and many restrictions being lifted Canadians generally currently feel the same satisfaction how their government are handling the pandemic.
About 61% of Canadians are currently satisfied with the way the federal government has dealt with COVID-19 up four points from the previous month since mandatory COVID-19 testing was lifted for travel in Canada, vaccine passport remains in place.
Those who voted for the Federal Liberal Party and the New Democratic Party were more likely to be satisfied with Ottawa’s handling of COVID-19, with Liberal supporters at 83% and NDP voters at 71%. People who voted for the Conservative Party were substantially less satisfied at 42%
Dr. Theresa Tam, the federal chief public health officer, received greater satisfaction ratings from Canadians, with a score of 66 percent, up five points since April.
Provincial health officers’ performances dealing with COVID-19 were also rated and came in just over half of the respondents being stratified. Ontario tops the list at 67 per cent, while British Columbians’ satisfaction rating with Dr. Bonnie Henry’s work was at 63 per cent.
Dr. Bonnie Henry was polling around 80% back in June 2020 but has had a dramatic drop in satisfaction since then.
In May 2020 the government allowed society and stores open up and in June 2020 Primer John Horgan and Bonnie Henry announced B.C. has “flatten” the curve enough to open up and only have capacity limits in place. The B.C. government enjoyed a 83% satisfaction rating.

The first clump in satisfaction slumping was in November 2020 down to 70%. This lines up with when Dr. Bonnie Henry cancelled gatherings of “immediate household or core-bubbles” including religious gatherings, closed businesses, cancelled new year calibrations and locked down in to the new year.

The Satisfaction from British Columbians stayed generally the same until heavy handed COVID-19 measures came in to play. Satisfaction dropped further in British Columbia for Dr. Bonnie Henry in Sept 2021 when the BC vaccine passport launched and was implemented segregating society in to two classes.

Satisfaction has remained generally the same 62% until current as of May 2022 even though BC mask mandates were lifted in March 2020 and the B.C. vaccine passport was lifted in April 2022 for “non essential services”. However the heavy handed mandatory vaccination policy remains in place for all BC Public Services employees, contractors and volunteers with very narrow exceptions and no alternative options even if they are working from home our outside.
There are court challenges currently being heard about the mandates and if they were justified. There is also a challenge against Bonnie Henry and her choice to implement vaccine passport. Other court challenges included COVID-19 defiance fines. Another 24 COVID-19 fines were defeated in court just recently.