John Horgan deleted his post about false claims of hate crime near a Surrey mosque after we published a story about politicians spreading the false information.
Premier John Horgan, leader of BC’s far left party NDP silently deleted his tweet spreading falsehoods of “hate and racism” motivated attack, near a Surrey mosque after we published a story about politicians spreading the false information.
Surrey RCMP have released aa statement, on April 27, there was a report of a incident near Surrey Jamia Masjid Mosque. According to the report someone in a car threw water at a group of Muslims and sped away then returning to allegedly taunt them with the vehicle.
On April 30 the Surrey RCMP released an update in to the investigation in which they said they have spoken with all parties involved in the incident and the suspects in the care are “teenagers from the Muslim community.”
Early Sunday morning, May 1, BC Rise posted a news article about tweets by politicians spreading false claims about a “hate and racism” motivated attack near a Surrey mosque.
John Horgans tweet featured in the article as one of the politicians that took to social media to quickly link the incident to “hate and racism”.
On April 28 at 7:12 PM John Horgan retweeted Rachna Singh NDP response to the incident at the surrey mosque.
John Horgan said he is disgusted by the reports of “an attempt to terrorize and harm people outside Surrey Jamia Masjid Mosque as they left prayers” adding “I stand with those targeted and the Muslim community. We must condemn acts of hate and racism wherever we see them.”

The tweet has since been deleted after our story published on May 1 but can still be seen on the way back machine from
We also learned MP Don Davies for Vancouver Kingsway also retweeted John Horgan which is now deleted but can be seen on politwoops. Deleted around 8:35 PM PDT, after 3 days, tweeted using Twitter for iPhone
Rachna Singh from BC’s far left party, NDP, said she was “horrified” to hear what happened.
On Apr 28, 2022 at 6:26 PM she tweeted from iPhone “We must stand together with Muslims against anti-Muslim hate and Islamophobia”
Rachna Singh’s post is still remains active on Twitter at the time of writing this article, if it gets deleted it can also be viewed on here
Marco Mendicino seems to not get tired of spreading falsehoods. Mendicino saw an opportunity to exploit a situation and put in his opinion about the so-called “hate and racism”. He was also busted providing misinformation during the Emergencies Act committee inquiry. His post about the so-called hate and racism is still active on Twitter.