HomeLocal NewsRCMP said Surrey mosque incident not 'racially motivated hate crime,' after politicians...

RCMP said Surrey mosque incident not ‘racially motivated hate crime,’ after politicians led the public to believe it was

An investigation into what Mounties called a “very disturbing incident” outside of a Surrey mosque this week has found it is was not a hate crime, police said in an update. 

The Surrey RCMP said in a statement on Saturday that their investigation revealed that those responsible for throwing water on worshippers from a passing car and nearly striking them were “teenagers from the Muslim community.”

The incident happened on April 27, 2022, just before 11:00 p.m and took place near the mosque in the area of 124 Street and 72A Avenue. A car drove by and someone threw water on the group that left the mosque.

The police say all individuals, including the six victims/witnesses and two suspects are cooperating with police

On April 28 the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) released a statement they are gravely concerned by the incident because worshipers were leaving a place of worship wearing traditional clothes.

Commissioner Brian Edwards said in the statement “The RCMP recognizes that any incidents such as this one that are initially believed to be a hate crime are traumatizing to our community. However, once it was discovered that the nature of the incident was not hate motivated, it was important for us to update the public.”

In their statement it says after the person on the car threw water at them it sped of only to return and “repeatedly feigned trying to run them over.”

Skin colour obsessed politicians quickly hit social media to exploit the incident spreading falsehoods of a hate or racist crime for political points.

Surrey’s mayor Doug McCallum issued a statement on April 29, 2022. According to the statement he said what happened to the members of Surrey Jamia Masjid Mosque is “deeply disturbing”.

“On behalf of council, I want the members who were affected by this incident to know that we stand with them and condemn all acts of hate in our community,” said the mayor.

Doug McCallum recently banned the ethics investigation in to him about filing a false police report on him until after the fall election.

Rachna Singh from BC’s far left party BC NDP, retweeted the statement on Twitter with misleading statements claiming the attack was “anti-Muslim hate and Islamophobia.”

Premier John Horgan, also from BC’s far left party BC NDP Leader, quickly took to Twitter to virtue signal while spreading false claims and condemned the so-called “acts of hate and racism”.

Federal Government chimed in with a take by Trudeau’s Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino who also retweeted the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM). Apparently he was “shocked and appalled” with the attempt to “terrorize” worshipper in Surrey near Jamea Masjid.

“Now more than ever, we must stand with all Muslim Canadians against Islamophobia.” wrote Marco Mendicino.

He even retweeted it in French.

Spreading false information has proven to be a common theme with things he says and shares.

Marco Mendicino was quick to repeated falsehoods during the Declaration of Emergency inquiry on April 26, which then he was called out by Conservative MP Glen Motz for using false claims to justify the use of the Emergencies act. He was repeating the misinformation falsely linking a criminal act of arson to peaceful Freedom Conoy protesters in February.

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