Hearing dates set for legal challenge to end mandatory Covid shots for BC healthcare workers
Hearings for the lawsuit filed on behalf of several BC healthcare workers who were fired because of the Orders will be span 10 days beginning on November 28, 2022, and ending on December 9, 2022, according to the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF)
A legal action requesting the BC Supreme court to strike down the BC Provincial Government’s Orders that mandate the Covid shot as a condition of employment was filed on March 16, 2022 by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF).
The trial will be heard with three other separate legal cases on related grounds by the Honorable Justice Simon Coval.
One of the plaintiffs in the Justice Centre lawsuit is Dr. Joshua Nordine, an internationally-trained family physician who works for Kelowna’s Rutland Medical Associates. He also serves as a spokesperson for the initiative to “Hire back our Heroes.” The movement aims to reinstate all medical personnel who were let go for choosing not to get the Covid vaccine.
Dr. Nordine told Capital News it is time to change Covid policy and rehire unvaccinated employees because they “can work safely” as Covid approaches an endemic stage and “natural immunity” become widespread. Dr. Nordine argues that the Covid vaccine mandates are to blame for the BC provincial health care system’s understaffing and deterioration.
In October and November 2021 Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry issued a series of Orders threating BC healthcare workers and other designated facilities across the province if they don’t get the Covid-19 shot they will be fired.
Dr. Bonnie Henry also issued order in August 2021 and February 2022 that compelled employers, operators and contractors to collect personal information of healthcare practitioners and staff as well as private medial information for vaccine status. Dr. Bonnie Henry demanded healthcare practitioners’ and staff members’ to report personal information and vaccination status directly to her.
On March 7, 2022, and June 10, 2022, Dr. Henry issued additional Orders that compel medical colleges, as defined by the Health Professions Act, to collect personal identifying information and private vaccine status records including post-secondary students who apply for enrollment into residency programs and other postgraduate medical education programs. Dr. Bonnie Henry also demands for their personal information is also reported to her.
Information was held back by all levels of government in regards to vaccine injuries while logic was thrown out the window and people were denied their right to know the risk benefit analysis of their own personal risks, undermining informed consent and replacing it with coercive uninformed consent.
“The legal action cites violations of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, including the right to life, liberty and security of the person, freedom of religion and conscience, and equality rights. This constitutional challenge also cites violations of the right to informed consent, as well as violations of the healthcare workers’ privacy. An exemption from the vaccine mandate is only allowed for limited medical reasons. No exemptions are permitted for religious or conscience reasons.” wrote the Justice Centre
Karen Bastow, external counsel for the Justice Centre, says, “We recognize the need to protect vulnerable persons, but most of our petitioners affected by the vaccine mandates did not work with vulnerable persons. Many worked in an administrative capacity, and some even worked remotely. As well, Alberta Health Services lifted its vaccine mandate for healthcare workers on July 18, 2022. Other provinces never imposed vaccine mandates and left it up to the individual health care agencies to decide whether to require vaccination.”
Charlene Le Beau, Justice Centre lawyer and co-counsel on the case, says, “Freedom of choice and bodily autonomy are matters of critical societal importance, and as such, the outcome of this case will play an important role in the recognition of individual rights and how they are respected by government authorities and protected by the Courts.”
Dr. Bonnie Henry is already facing multiple court challenges in which some have already been heard but the judge has not released the decision yet.
When the B.C. Covid-19 vaccine passport app launched was announced in August 2021, Dr. Bonnie Henry claimed it as a way to “STOP THE SPREAD“. This would indicate that the virus stops at the vaccine and it is impossible to get infected or transmit Covid-19.

In March BC Rise reported, UBC acknowledged vaccination mandates were no longer accomplishing what they were indented to which was supposed to be to reduce transmission and cancelled their student and staff covid vaccine mandates.
“There is no longer a strong scientific reason to differentially treat those who were fully vaccinated months ago and those who are unvaccinated, in terms of the risks that they pose for transmitting COVID to others.”
Many people have also questioned the vaccines’ effectiveness throughout the pandemic, and maybe with good reason. Alex Berenson, a former correspondent for the New York Times, reported Two doses of the Covid vaccination offer no protection against the Omicron infection, and they may even raise the risk of infection within months, according to a recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Another four Doctors in Canada wrote a letter to the Toronto Sun calling in to question the governments, in Trudeau’s word “best science”.
“Generally speaking, governments make policy based on, among other things, credible sources of scientific information. Does the Trudeau government really ‘follow the science’? As medical doctors, we’d like to critically examine some recent statements.”
“A New England Journal of Medicine study showed that six months after a second Pfizer shot, vaccine efficacy against symptomatic Omicron infection fell to 8.8%. As for boosters, studies on the third and even a fourth dose show a similar picture of waning efficacy within months. To prevent transmission, we would need a carousel of repeat immunizations for everyone every three months. This is impractical and impossible.”
BC Rise reported in March, UBC stated that vaccination requirements were no longer reducing transmission as intended and hence removed their vaccine requirements for employees and students.
“There is no longer a strong scientific reason to differentially treat those who were fully vaccinated months ago and those who are unvaccinated, in terms of the risks that they pose for transmitting COVID to others.”
In April, BC Rise reported on another group of high-level doctors who spoke out during the federal covid mandate debate in Ottawa in March, pointing out that mandates were not helping, particularly blanket mandates to vaccinate people who do not need vaccination.
During the debate Dr. Kalyan argued when we decide to lay blanket mandates on society with invasive medical intervention “it needs to meet a fairly high bar for its justification.”
Dr. Kalyan explained there is clear evidence showing Covid doesn’t stop at the vaccine. “Now it is clear especially with omicron that the vaccines we have cannot really be relied upon to either prevent transmission or infection, an example the first omicron case in Israel came from a triple vaccinated doctor returning from a conference who passed it on to another triple vaccinated physician.”
Naturally acquired immunity you get from infection is actually the “gold standard” that vaccines are trying to mimic.
“it’s been unequivocal that people have had covid and recovered are better protected from infection obviously from serious disease and hospitalization”