In the BC Legislature on Monday a motion to condemn the Freedom Convoy and worship Covid-19 lockdowns and mandates passed with almost no opposition. The house voted with 64 yeas and 1 nay from lone BC Conservative John Rustad.
“Be it resolved that one year after the anti-vaccine protests in Ottawa and communities including Victoria, South Surrey, Kelowna and Cranbrook, this House denounces the freedom convoy protests and affirms that public health orders, including vaccine requirements, have been an essential tool in B.C.’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic,” the motion read.
While there was an overwhelming number of yea votes, 20 MLA’s which includes both BC Green MLA’s did not vote despite being present in the house that day.
Despite popular talking points that would like you to believe the BC Liberals now known as BC United is a coalition of Liberals and Conservatives, the leader of the so-called official “opposition” party, BC United leader Kevin Falcon was amongst those who did not vote.
“Many BC United MLAs who call themselves ‘conservative’ simply didn’t show up,” Rustad wrote on Twitter.
“Their silence speaks volumes.”
The Freedom Convoy which saw tens of thousands of Canadians descend into Ottawa and commenced a peaceful protest which many described to be a Canada day type of family friendly environment.
BC NDP Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth spewed dangerous rhetoric in December 2020 calling anti-mask mandate protesters “irresponsible idiots.”
In December 2020, BC NDP Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth called anti-mask mandate protesters “irresponsible idiots.”
“They are the problem and the sooner we get this curve bent down, the sooner we get COVID under control, then they can go back to their narcissistic self-indulgent ways – but until that time, they don’t have the right to endanger the health of the public,” said Farnworth at the time.
The motion was first tabled on February 13, 2023 by British Columbia’s far left wing governing party the BC NDP, which its MLA’s repeated in the house false claims of violence in order to shame all MLA’s into voting in favor of its motion.
BC NDP MLA Henry Yao lied in the BC Legislature last month claiming the Freedom Convoy and anti-mandate protesters were “actually setting fires in people’s hotel rooms.” However this was debunked by police one year ago when they arrested and charged the suspects responsible.
BC NDP MLA Doug Routley also spread the false claims insisting the apartment fire in Ottawa was caused by Freedom Convoy protesters.
In March 2022, the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) released a statement saying they have arrested and charged one of the two suspects in the attempted apartment arson saying there is no evidence to connect the man to the Freedom Conoy.
In April 2022, the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) released another statement about the second man that was arrested and charged for the fire, revealing that 41-year-old Bartosz Wernick had no connection to the Freedom Convoy protests.
With absolutely no evidence, not a single photo or video, BC NDP MLA Aman Singh staked claims that he and his wife saw swastikas everywhere in British Columbia and that swastikas “were an integral part of the convoy” while labelling the Freedom Convoy as Freedom Convoy swastika supporters.
Attendees of the protest reported a joyful time while meeting many new friendly people, bouncy castles, free hot chocolate and free food being offered was abundant. The Public Order Emergencies Commission inquiry heard testimony from the Ottawa police that there was an “absolute lack of criminal activity” and there was no credible evidence of Convoy violence.
The Covid-19 vaccine mandates for healthcare workings in BC caused the firing of 2,500 healthcare workers leaving ER’s vulnerable to staff shortages and being closed for long periods of time.
Due to the government shutting down the economy imposing lockdowns and restrictions, individuals had their business shattered while others missed opportunities to celebrate life events like graduations and weddings or visit loved ones in long term care or attend their funerals.
According to a Fraser Institute report authored by Simon Fraser University economics professor Douglas Allen, “The most recent and thorough meta-analysis found that after combining all lockdown effects there was only an average reduction in mortality of 3.2 percent.”
“All of the lockdown efforts amounted to almost nothing.”