For the last two-and a half to three years Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been on a rampage calling his opponents racists and white supremist for no good reason at all except for the sake of trying to demonize them for political points, which brings us to my next point.
It is of no surprise Liberal MPs have been infected with the woke virtue signaling and jump on the bandwagon of monkey see monkey do. Liberal MP Chris Bittle suggested Geists criticism of how the Trudeau government handled the hiring of anti-semite Laith Marouf as an anti-racism expert was motivated by racism.
When Geist argued that Rodriquez should bear responsibility for Marouf’s hiring because financial assistance for the $133,000 taxpayer-funded initiative came from a Canadian Heritage anti-racism program, Bittle, the parliamentary assistant to Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez, lost his mind.
During an online exchange between Chris Bittle and University of Ottawa professor Michael Geist, descended from Holocaust survivors, Bittle labeled Michael Geists constructive criticism as so-called ‘hate’ and suggested Geist is a racist because the Diversity Minister Ahmed Hussen, who eventually fired Marouf, is black.
Bittle accused Geist of “deliberately misleading your followers.” and then makes a claim Geist is “Blinded by hate for Pablo” and asked if he was holding the diversity minister accountable because the colour of his skin, “Is it because the Minister responsible looks like this” with a picture of Hussen under the comment.

Geist responded by saying “I’m the grandson of holocaust survivors who thinks it shouldn’t be too much to ask the Heritage Minister to say something – anything – about officials in his department funding an anti-semite despite multiple warnings. Instead, the Parliamentary Secretary suggests I’m racist.”
Geist followed up with a retweet of his last response
“Grateful for support over past 24 hours, but still struggling with how my calls for a comment from Heritage Minister @pablorodriguez on govt funding an anti-semite led to excuse it isn’t his file and to his Parliamentary Secretary suggesting I’m racist.”
The next day, after Bittle was hit with a blizzard of criticism condemning his widely public and illogical attack towards Michael Geist. The Liberal MP tweeted: “Yesterday in a moment of anger, I made an implication about (Geist) that was unfounded and inappropriate. I hold myself to a higher standard for the office that I hold and I apologize to Professor Geist. I have deleted the offending tweet.”
This isn’t the first time the Liberal government has accused descendants of Holocaust survivors of being racist. For instance Conservative MP Melissa Lantsman was critical of Trudeau’s decision to invoke the Emergencies Act during the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa last winter February, Trudeau responded: “Conservative Party members can stand with people who wave swastikas, they can stand with people who wave the Confederate flag”
With these baseless random accusations that hold no facts labeling everything as so-called ‘hate’, shows us exactly what the Trudeau Liberal government is planning for the online censorship laws they are trying to push in.
At the end of last year, Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Canadian Heritage and the rest of the Liberal government have tried to politicalize freedom of expression and pushed forward online censorship laws to combat so-called ‘hate’ online. Everyone from all political stripes should be worried with this Liberal government so quick to brand anything they don’t like as ‘hate’ because the censorship laws will be made in their eyes and they will get to decide what the definition of so-called ‘hate’ is.
The so-called ‘hate’ for Pablo that Bittle is referring to that Michael Geist has provided high profile constructive criticism about the censorship bills Pablo Rodriguez is trying to get put in to law for Justin Trudeau. The constructive criticism could also be seen as political dissidents because it challenges the policies, we have learned that regulating political content will in the censorship laws.
According to the Expert Advisory Group on Online Safety, which Pablo Rodriguez, the Heritage Minister, appointed, says “misleading political communications,” should be subject to federal regulation.
Everyone has a right to be scared they will be censored online since the Liberal government is so quick to jump to call everything ‘hate’ and everyone racist that they do not agree with.