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Scott Moe rejects healthcare digital IDs and sharing of private medical information with feds after public outcry

Justin Trudeau was told by Sask Premier Scott Moe Saskatchewan will not be participating or creating a national healthcare “digital ID.”

“The Government of Saskatchewan is not creating a digital ID, nor will we accept any requirements for the creation of a digital ID tied to healthcare funding,” wrote Moe in a public letter to Saskatchewanians

While the health care money transfer policy since it was created has never held any legal obligation for provinces to force a digital ID onto residents and Moe is holding firm on it and will refuse the federal governments demands for it. The Health Information Protection Act ensures the provincial government does not share “personal medical information.”

“The Government of Saskatchewan will not share any personal medical information with the federal government. This information is protected under The Health Information Protection Act and will remain so,” said Moe.

Moe issued the letter regarding the introduction of healthcare digital IDs in response to a public outcry and a letter-writing campaign from concerned citizens.

The federal healthcare spending decreased from 35% to only 22%, prompting the premiers, including Moe, to request a meeting with the Trudeau administration.

“In recent years, federal funding of healthcare has fallen from 35% of healthcare costs to 22%,” said Moe.

Moe confirmed his government isn’t in the business of surrender personal health privacy rights to the federal government when it comes to signing a new Canada Health Transfer agreement.

To give Canadians the quality healthcare they deserve, Moe wants the federal government to become a “full funding partner” once more.

“It’s critical to get a new Canada Health Transfer agreement where the federal government returns to a full funding partner of healthcare,” said Moe.

“The Government of Saskatchewan will not surrender or weaken any personal health privacy rights when signing a new Canada Health Transfer agreement,” said Moe.

“Instead, we will work diligently toward a funding agreement that benefits Saskatchewan people by investing in healthcare in both rural and urban areas of our province.”

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Jordan is a casual reporter for BC Rise


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