Well that didn’t take long as Trudeau starts bring back travel mandates just four weeks after relaxing a few.
If the current airport delays and back logs were not enough already, leave it up to Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government to make things even worse. The random testing mandate for so-called “full vaccinated” travellers will be resumed.
That’s right it will be resumed. When they were first put on pause some people believed the suspending of the mandates was the end. The government is clawing back slowly on your freedoms and rights again without even really returning any in the first place.
In a statement from Health Canada on Thursday, it says random testing for so-called “fully vaccinated” travellers will resume on July 19, 2022. For travellers to be classed as “fully vaccinated” they must have been “vaccinated” 14 calendar days before entering Canada.
Travellers who do not qualify as “fully vaccinated” according to the governments standards will still need to test on Day 1 and Day 8 of their mandatory 14-day self imprisonment at the demand of the government, unless they have an exemption. Testing will be completed outside of airports either in an in-person appointment or self swab test.
“We need to keep border testing measures in place because that is how we track importation of the Covid-19 virus, and of new variants of concern. We will keep adapting our border measures to balance the need to protect Canadians while supporting our economic recovery.” said Minister of Health Jean-Yves Duclos.
For the inconvenience to everyone, any traveller randomly selected for testing, unvaccinated or “fully vaccinated” will receive a notification within 15 minutes of completing their customs declaration.
Unvaccinated travellers can complete their tests by a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment with the test provider at their select pharmacies. But also being told they must respect their second class citizen quarantine self imprisonment requirement at the demand of the government.
The government also says travellers must use the government stalkerware app, ArriveCAN. Because its the fastest and most convenient way for the government to track people.
The random testing mandate was one of the few suspended on July 11, 2022 to help ease delays at the borders and airports. However the government also threatened to bring back restrictions before any were even paused.
Travelers have recently complained about cancelled, delayed, and long airport lineups in Canada. The Toronto Pearson international airport had the most delayed flights in the world on Monday, according to the Daily Hive, with 54% of its outgoing flights experiencing delays.
Vancouver International Airport and Montreal’s Pierre Elliott Trudeau international airport also experienced delays of flights departing and some cancellations.
53% of Canadians are concerned about airport delays (including cancelled flights and long lineups). According to Ledger 360 and 43% of Canadians blame airport staffing shortages. The poll also found 18% of Canadians have either cancelled or changed their vacation plans due to airport delays or passport delays.
The poll was done between July 8 and 10 with the Association for Canadian Studies (ACS).