Why does this extremist hate Canada and freedom so much?
Yesterday an Anti-freedom radical stope a Canada flag from a young girl and repeatedly tried to destroy it as he fled the scene on foot.
The father of the young girl recorded the interaction and followed the Anti-freedom extremist calling him out of theft.
A by stander tried to grab the flag back which then the extremist starated pushing the man full palm in to his face. “Get out of my fucking city” the radical is heard saying.
The extremist then storms off with the Canada flag having a temper tantrum, bends the flag pole and begins grinding the flag in to the pavement while walking down the sidewalk.
“Belligerent Ottawa man steals a Canada flag from a 13-year-old girl and drags it on the ground angry about the Freedom Convoy protest. The Ottawa man subsequently attacks people trying to retrieve the flag.”
According to the footage the Anti-freedom extremist attacks the girls father and stole his gloves. When the father politely asked for his gloves back the man stomped them in to a muddy slush puddle.
“The Ottawa man who attacked a Freedom Convoy protester is then arrested by police after several witnesses corroborate the attack. The Ottawa man claims his ankle is broken and that he did not attack the protester.”