Green Party MP said she found out on thursday she has COVID-19.
On Friday she immediately jumping on social media to tell everyone she just got infected with COVID-19.
The illness is “no joke” May said adding she doesn’t think she will need to go to the hospital but she’s “very sick”. Elizabeth May is 67 years old. It’s unconfirmed what her definition of “very sick” is considering many people think the sniffles is very sick.
Suggesting someone not wearing a mask got her sick “And angry. Too many people unmasked”.
There’s no evidence that Elizabeth May caught COVID-19 from someone not wearing a mask or if she was just caught off guard not practicing personal hygiene in public spaces.
Stigmatizing unmasked people appears to be the new hate speech as attention turns away from the unvaccinated because vaccines don’t prevent transmission or infection.
MP May quickly started the fear mongering retweeting about a so-called “sixth wave”.
However this is nothing really to worry about considering millions of Canadians have been infected since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020 and 99.96% have survived. Canada is also finally starting to recognize early treatment.
Early treatment is also available in Canada finally when Canada’s Ministry of Health approved Paxlovid for use. On January 19 B.C. was said to be receiving 4000 courses of the drug for early treatment. Another 120,000 more were expected to be delivered to Canada between January and March.