B.C. where science goes to die. Bonnie Henry has no plans to lift any B.C. COVID restrictions in the near or far future but there is plans to tighten up restrictions in the fall and winter.
Again Bonnie Henry extends the unscientific and illogical vaccine passport program in B.C. She keeps saying the same thing every couple weeks she will “revisit” the segregation ID also known as vaccine passport with no intention of actually lifting any restrictions.
“There’s still a lot of this virus circulating around the globe so there will inevitably be changes and surprises we will need to adapt to,” Henry said during a COVID update on Tuesday.
“We will have continued uncertainty as we move through the summer. We hopefully will be in a good place for the next few months because of the immunity that we have, and where we are, to be able to relieve some of the pressure of some of these measures that are in place,” she said.
“But we need to be prepared for immunity to wane again and for us to have new approaches and adapt depending on what we see come the fall.”
Henry also said that B.C. will continue to support businesses that keep masking and vaccine passports after the restrictions are lifted – if that ever happens.
“I absolutely will support businesses continuing to protect their workers,” Henry added. “There are not tools that we abandoned. They are things that helped us, that worked.”
Despite relaxing some capacity restrictions last week, it was actuallythe order expiring and not qualifying for renewal, B.C. remains the only province in Canada that has not committed to dropping its vaccine passport or to fully reopening even though B.C. has been over quakified for Step 3 of B.C. restart plan since Sept 2021. In January, Henry extended the passport system to June 30.
Henry added on Tuesday that the province was considering relaxing more restrictions before the March 14-25 break but that it would depend on hospital numbers
“We’ve talked about the importance of doing this prior to spring break, and that is something we’ve committed to,” she said. “We are in a transition period, but we will take it slowly and sustainably as we move into the next little part.”
Henry obsessed with hospital numbers that are at its lowest point since the beginning of January 2022. She even admitted last month 60% of the numbers are people that aren’t even in the hospital for COVID but rather something unrelated like a broken bone or something else that just happened to test positive durin admission. These are “incidental” infections.
During the week Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and PEI announced they were dropping their COVID restrictions, B.C. commited to extending vaccine mandates to all remaining healthcare workers in the province, including those in private practices.
Last week B.C. started to fire government employees that were force on to unlaid leave because refusing a force medical procedure. Other provinces like Nova Scotia and Alberta have been welcoming back unvaccinated healthcare workers because it’s the only logical and ethical thing to do.
Henry’s comments came even as a new survey by the Canadian Mental Health Association’s B.C. division showed that most British Columbians were worried that COVID-19 would never end.
In Jan. 2021, Henry had announced that a target vaccination threshold for COVID-19 herd immunity was around 70%.
Henry’s contract with B.C. pays $384,316 a year. For the year ended March 31, 2021, the province’s sunshine list shows she received $342,292 plus $9,758 expenses.
[“Health” lord] Henry’s comments came even as a new survey by the Canadian Mental Health Association’s B.C. division showed that most British Columbians were worried that [Lord Henry’s] COVID-19 [unscientific restrictions] would never end.”