Two BC NDP MLA’s, Katrina Chen and Mike Starchuk had the pleasure of visiting two provincially funded child care facilities. Both of the child care sites are run by Alex House BC.
“Today I had the joy of visiting two #ChildCareBC sites run by @AlexHouseBC with MLA @MikeStarchuk!
So great to learn that many #Surrey families are already benefiting from $10/day and affordable child care. Also grateful to meet with many dedicated professionals and providers!”
“Alex House has received notice from the Ministry of Children and Family Development, that our funding will not be renewed”
Alex House responded to the the photo-op in a facebook post
“The world of childcare is complex on a good day, and the transition to universal care requires ongoing dialogue, and investment.
Grateful to get a chance to share our learnings with Minister Katrina Chen and MLA Mike Starchuk at our Kensington Prairie Childcare site, one of the first $10 per day sites.
Also grateful for our team, and their ongoing commitment to keeping the children and their families front and centre!”
The BC Liberals responded with a statement released on their website
“I’m appalled that the Minister who is responsible for child care would be so brazen as to take a photo to promote child care centres in front of an operator whose funding she just slashed,” said Surrey White Rock MLA Trevor Halford. “As a direct result of the minister’s decision to cut the operator’s funding, they had to cut their early years programming, leaving our community without childcare it desperately needs.”
The BC Liberals posted a letter from Alexandra Neighbourhood House to parents letting them know of the changes to the childcare services they provided to the community.
The BC Liberals ended their statement saying “Surrey parents are growing tired of flashy promises from the NDP government but no action on the ground. From their failure to eliminate school portables, to no maternity ward in the plans for the new Surrey hospital, to the lack of affordable childcare spaces — the broken NDP promises continue to pile up,” concluded Halford. “To take a cheerful photo in front of a childcare centre they are actively shutting down services for sums up this NDP government. They talk a good game and offer plenty of promises to voters here in Surrey but they consistently fail to deliver. Instead of empty photos or promises, it’s time for the NDP to get serious about delivering for Surrey.”
BC Rise has reached out to Katrina Chen for comment but did not receive a response before the time to publish this article.