HomeOpinionsEby needs to join the carbon tax court battle to stay true...

Eby needs to join the carbon tax court battle to stay true to his words

David Eby talked the talk to remove the carbon tax. Now it’s time for Eby to walk the walk.

During the election campaign, David Eby said he will remove the carbon tax if the federal government removes its backstop on a national carbon tax.

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith was elected with a promise to fight the federal government in court over the carbon tax. And staying true to that word, an announcement was recently released by Smith outlining the start of a constitutional court battle against the federal government and the “national” carbon tax policy.

On Wednesday, Eby reiterated this stance “People are expecting us to deliver more and do better for them on the key issues that were front and centre during the election,” Eby said CKNW radio “If the feds do remove that [carbon tax] backstop, then we will be moving to remove the carbon tax.”

Winters in Canada get cold and British Columbians need to heat their homes and households using natural gas will be charge on average $330 in carbon tax. BC families are also being hit with an average $11 carbon tax fee every time they fill up their vehicles. Truckers are charged about $200 each fill up to deliver to stores the products you buy everyday.

It’s a fact the federal carbon tax requirement isn’t going to remove itself and the Justin Trudeau government takes provincial Premiers silence as approval for the carbon tax.

Here is Eby’s chance to prove to British Columbians he isn’t just paying lip service but is actually listening to voters and taking action on key issues like affordability.

A previous legal fight saw the courts siding with the federal government based on the feds argument it needs a national policy to deal with national a problem. However the federal government discredited its own argument when it decided to bend the rules to create a carbon tax exemption for heating oil which was clearly designed to benefit voters in Atlantic Canada.

If Eby wants to be taken seriously he has a duty to join Alberta in the legal court battle against the federal carbon tax to fight for the best interest of British Columbians.

Right now is the perfect time for you to take action in the fight against the federal carbon tax requirement by telling Eby to stay true to his words and step up to challenge the federal governments flimsy arguments. To re-enforce your voice make sure to also send an email to your MLA.

If you think Eby or your MLA will ignore your message, it’s ok. Reach out to your friends and family to do the same because if enough people pack their inbox and there is no acknowledge or response. An FOI request for all communications received to their government email inbox about the carbon tax will expose a conscious decision to ignore voters.

Here are the methods of contact for the Premier of BC. Office 250-387-1715, Fax 250-387-0087, Email premier@gov.bc.ca and Mailing PO BOX 9041 STN PROV GOVT VICTORIA, BC V8W 9E1. Found on the BC government page here.

You can find your MLA’s contact details on the BC legislature page here when the election results are finalized and members are sworn in.

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Jordan is a casual reporter for BC Rise


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