HomeNationalTrudeau’s Freedom Convoy swastika narrative chocked full of holes

Trudeau’s Freedom Convoy swastika narrative chocked full of holes

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) wrote a memo during the Freedom Convoy which admits Nazis didn’t represent the protesters who protested in Ottawa last winter and the few offensive flags being waved represented a “very small” portion of the crowd, according to Blacklock’s Reporter.

“The Canadian flag was the most prevalent flag on display in the crowd, likely reflecting participants’ belief they are patriotic Canadians standing up for their democratic rights,” said the secret memo.

“A small number of flags (both purchased and self-created) reflected racist and bigoted world views. The presence of these flags however is not unique to this event and are often seen at anti-lockdown events across the country,” wrote CSIS in a secret memo titled Freedom Convoy 2022: The Imagery and Significance of Flags. 

“Within the crowd were a very small number of flags bearing racist or bigoted imagery,” wrote analysts. The memo suggests agents analyzed a list of social media posts

It was also highlighted by agents that many protesters “added a swastika to their flag, not necessarily to self-identify as Nazis but to imply the Prime Minister and federal government are acting like Nazis by imposing public health mandates.”

“The convoy is part of the broader anti-public health restrictions movement,” said the memo dated Feb. 2. “As with any movement only a small, fringe element supports the use of violence or might be willing to engage in it.”

“The Service is unaware of the presence of ideologically-motivated extremist groups at this weekend’s protests,” wrote the memo. “Freedom of expression is constitutionally protected in Canada.”

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