The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) has launched a petition urging Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to eliminate the CBC’s annual subsidy of more than $1 billion and to stop handing out $600 million in taxpayer funds to other media outlets.
“The CBC costs taxpayers more than $1 billion per year and the federal government is giving media organizations a $600 million bailout,” reads the petition by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF).
“We, the undersigned, call on the federal government to defund the CBC and end its media bailout.”
CTF director Kris Sims said as reported by True North News that they decided to launch the petition because “Canadians should decide which news outlets they prefer and to support them financially if they choose to do so.”
Sims added that Canadians should not be “forced to pay for” the CBC “through the government.”
CPC MP Pierre Poilievre, who recently said he wants to become the party leader, in early February slammed the broadcaster for spreading the “insane conspiracy theory that ‘Russian actors’ are orchestrating the trucker protest.”
“This clownish statement proves again that the state media will concoct disinformation against anyone who criticizes their leader,” Poilievre said.
According to the government publications document CBC was injected with $1.4 billion of tax payer money. For 2020-2021 CBC’s revenue was reported about $1.4 billion from the government and about $503 million from other revenue for a total revenue of $1.903 billion. A whopping 70% of CBC revenue comes from tax payers.
During the 2021 federal election campaign, Trudeau said he would give even more money to the CBC to the tune of $400 million over the next four years.