Arjun Purewal was arrested on Tuesday, September 20, by IHIT investigators following a search of Surrey residence in relation to a Richmond homicide investigation.
A Canada-wide warrant had been issued by Coquitlam RCMP on August 26, 2022, when Purewal had illegally removed an ankle monitor.
Link to previous Coquitlam RCMP release from August 27, 2022
Purewal was awaiting sentencing in connection to a Vancouver Police Department (VPD) investigation into a kidnapping which occurred in Richmond in September 2021.
During the course of its investigation, IHIT located Purewal at the Surrey residence as part of an ongoing investigation into a 2021 Richmond homicide,
says Corporal Alexa Hodgins of Coquitlam RCMP.
Purewal was taken into custody by IHIT investigators where he remains pending a court appearance.