HomePoliticsTrudeau quotes his daddy after Conservative MP alleges he 'dropped an F'bomb'...

Trudeau quotes his daddy after Conservative MP alleges he ‘dropped an F’bomb’ in Parliament

Conservative MP John Brassard claimed on Wednesday that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “dropped an F-bomb” during question period, and said he had asked the Speaker of the House of Commons to look into whether it had been recorded as Hansard as it was “unparliamentary language.”

During a debate with national defence critic Kerry-Lynne Findlay about a military aircraft flying over Ottawa during the Freedom Convoy, the party says Trudeau used a “six-letter F-word.”

“Now we have learned that Canada’s special forces were operating surveillance aircraft – I’m sure they were just in training – over Ottawa during the February truckers protest … how can the prime minister justify using military assets to surveil Canadians?” Findlay asked.

In response, the prime minister accused the Conservatives of being “dangerously close to misinformation, disinformation and designed to gin up fears and conspiracy theories around what happened a number of months ago.” Trudeau said referring to the Freedom Convoy.

At the time the f bomb was dropped there was a lot of noise in parliament with a majority of MP’s shouting, we were unable to hear anything on the feed and unable to see him from the gallery camera.

But later Conservative MP John Barlow stood up on a point of order asking the prime minister to apologize for the language he used.

Chris D’Entremont, the Deputy Speaker of the House, claimed he didn’t hear what the prime minister said. Conservative MP John Brassard asked the D’Entremont to review debate transcripts and take appropriate action after Trudeau “dropped an F-bomb,” according to Brassard.

Members of Parliament are prohibited from using un-parliamentary language. Should the speaker deem “a particular member’s words offensive or disorderly” after a review, that person will be asked to rise and retract the word or phrase.

Later, Trudeau quoted his father Pierre Elliott Trudeau when asked about the claim, saying most his memorable quips when he was asked whether he had uttered unparliamentary language.

“What is the nature of your thoughts, gentlemen, when you say you move your lips in a particular way?” the current prime minister told reporters on his way out of the House of Commons.

It’s a very close parrot of 1971, when Pierre Trudeau was accused of “mouthing a four-letter obscenity” at the opposition benches.

The elder Trudeau denied saying anything. When pressed by reporters, he replied: “What is the nature of your thoughts, gentlemen, when you say fuddle-duddle or something like that?”

On Wednesday, his son Justin had the reference memorized and ready to use.

Conservatives had accused him of “dropping an F-bomb,” with MP John Barlow telling the House “it was not fuddle-duddle.”

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  1. miss information or dis information ? There is a recording of what was said , but in the typed story , 3 words are missing . It is typed with markings to show as a quote , but words are left out . I question the validity of your written story , as , it is not a truthful quote . And then to top it off , you provide a video of Trudeau saying quite clearly what was said , but you missed it . So , how do you portend to establish any credibility to reporting or commenting on what happened ? The three words you left out are , when you say .


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