HomeCrimeGas station Armed Robbery suspects caught

Gas station Armed Robbery suspects caught

Two armed robbery suspects were caught by police after robbing a gas station in the 2300 block of Nicola Avenue.

On June 16, 2022, Merritt Front Line Officers were called to a gas station in the 2300 block of Nicola Avenue as it was alleged two suspects had robbed the store with hand guns and assaulted the clerk. Police Dog Services were called out to assist. One of the suspects was located and apprehended by the police dog after a short chase. He was found to be in possession of an air pistol, a long serrated knife with a gut hook, other various items and what is believed to be the stolen merchandise from the robbery. The suspect was held and then released on conditions at the request of Crown Counsel.

(Photograph depicts the air pistol, serrated knife with gut hook, other various items and
what is believed to be the stolen merchandise from the alleged robbery.)

(Photograph depicts the air pistol, serrated knife with gut hook, other various items and

what is believed to be the stolen merchandise from the alleged robbery.)

Through further investigation police identified the alleged second suspect as Mr. Timothy James Molnar. On June 17, 2022, Mr. Molnar was located and arrested by police. He was found to be in possession of an air pistol and what is believed to be more stolen merchandise from the robbery. On June 18, 2022, Mr. Molnar was charged with Robbery and held in custody to appear in Court on June 27, 2022.

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Jordan is a casual reporter for BC Rise


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