Members of the RCMP’s Cariboo Crime Reduction Unit (CCRU) recently executed search warrants in Riske Creek and Williams Lake, recovering stolen vehicles, firearms and a significant quantity of controlled substances.
On October 22nd 2022 CCRU officers, with the assistance of front-line police officers from the Alexis Creek detachment, executed a search warrant in the 2200 block of Hwy 20 in Riske Creek. As a result of the search warrant the following were seized by police;
- A Ford F-350 and a Dodge 2500, both stolen from 108 Mile House.
- Stolen medical supplies.
- An unregistered firearm, in this instance a long rifle.
Two prolific offenders were arrested on scene, both prohibited from possessing firearms, and charges are pending completion of the investigation.
On October 29th 2022 CCRU officers, with the assistance of front-line police officers from the Williams Lake detachment, executed a search warrant on a residence in the 500 block of Midnight Dr, as part of a drug trafficking investigation. As a result of the search warrant, the following items were seized;
- 290 grams of Methamphetamine, which equates to up 2,900 individual hits.
- 35 grams of Cocaine, which equates to up 175 individual hits.
- 1 ounce of fentanyl, which equates to up to 280 individual hits.
- A loaded .357 handgun.
- An SKS rifle.
- A significant amount of Canadian currency.
- Supplies consistent with the cutting, packaging and trafficking of illicit drugs.
As a result of this investigation three individuals, including a prolific offender and member of a violent gang, were arrested. Charges are pending the completion of the investigation.
The CCRU, working with our colleagues at the RCMP detachments within the Cariboo-Chilcotin area, will continue to target prolific offenders operating in our communities. Seizures like this are a significant blow to those who seek to profit off the addiction and suffering of the vulnerable in the communities we serve. The RCMP, along with our health care and community partners, continue to battle the opioid crisis in our region. Enforcement remains a key element of that battle, and we are always seeking information from the public to further our investigations. (Cpl Kevin Fung CCRU)