HomePoliticsDavid Eby spreads falsehood about BC private sector growth. BC lost 18,000...

David Eby spreads falsehood about BC private sector growth. BC lost 18,000 jobs in September

BC NDP David Eby is campaigning on British Columbia’s job “growth” boasting about having the strongest growing private sector in Canada.

Contrary to what David Eby is saying, the statistics show a very different story.

As of July 2024, statistics Canada released the Labor Market Survey showing job growth across the country. British Columbia is sitting in dead last for private sector job growth and well below the national average.

Image source: https://www.bcbc.com/insight/00rp0pclur0jexrstu8gvnvou84hdv

As of July 2024 the private sector had shrunk back down to the same levels as two years ago in 2022. July 2024 alone BC shed 18,000 private sector jobs, according to an article post by BIV on September 30, 2024. Since 2019. the private sector has only added 29,300 jobs to the BC economy.

The Business Council of British Columbia also drew attention to this a couple month prior in July 2024. “The lack of private sector job creation in B.C. should be setting off alarm bells” the headline reads.

BC Taxpayer funded jobs have grown at an unprecedented pace. The public sector has had an explosion of growth ranking at the top across Canada.

Statistics Canada released on Friday, Oct 11, 2024 the Labor Force Survey September 2024 edition which shows a loss of 18,000 jobs in B.C. for September 2024. A 0.6% drop since August 2024. The employment rate is sitting at 60% which is down 0.5% from August 2024 and down 1,8% from September 2023. The unemployment rate has increased 0.2% bringing the rate up to 6%.

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Jordan is a casual reporter for BC Rise


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